July 14, 1995
Yesterday I thought my ability to use my right hand was totally gone! A slight touch, a little movement of my wrist gave me almost unbearable pain.
I asked Maria to help me; “Do something,” I asked her. Of course, I prayed, took pills, placed holy water from Lourdes (give me by Tony and Norma), and applied pain-killing ligament, to no avail.
Maria wrapped my wrist with ice-cold cloth with a piece of ice around it two times before she gave me a pill as she prayed for my healing.
I could not clean my teeth with dental floss but I tried to brush them with my left hand.
Then I thought of the pills prescribed by Dr. Domleo of the Phil. Veterans’ Hospital, called Hochiceme. I took two tablets, then one tablet every hour, and went to sleep.
The following morning (today) I thought the pain was just a dream. It was gone! Praise the Lord!
Warning: Taking Hochiceme causes stomach upset and loose bowel movements without any warning! SSHET!
Now I can use my right hand again. Praise the Lord!
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