November 7, 1995
Today I got a new post, at the MOSI (Museum of Science & Industry) on Fowler Avenue past USF (University of South Florida). It is a very good, clean, elegant, pleasant place, very much better than the garbage dump on Linebaugh Avenue. Praise the Lord. My hours are from 4:00 to 12:00 P.M. and five days a week. Praise the Lord.
After the library is closed at 7:00 P.M., I am left alone to continue writing this Story of My Life. Before I reported for duty at our Vickers office, Maria and I prayed together for a better assignment. And here I am in a more elegant setting! God really knows best and has good plans for me always. The cousin of mine who asked me to write the Story of My Life is dying at age 88 in California, as per a phone call from Emily, his daughter, a few days ago. May God bless his should.
Mr. Emilio Colub, a very close Ilocano friend of mine, just died on Halloween Day, and I attended his funeral with Bobby and Jun.
He died on October 31, 1995, Halloween, and manifested his departure to me and Maria by making an unusual, eerie noise back of our car when I was driving out of the garbage dump where I was working as Security Officer. We were both startled by the unusual sound but were not scared. I started saying “Whoever you are, get away from us and don’t come back again, in Jesus’ name.” The sound stopped but our car light blinked out for a short time. And I was reminded about the death of Roger Grienan on February 13, when our bedroom light went on suddenly!
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