Before we went to sleep, a P.O.W. by my side confided to me that he was too weak and couldn’t make it until the following day. He told me his name, his address, and his parents’ name to inform them what happened to him as a P.O.W.
When I woke up the following morning, he was stiff-dead by my side. I slept with a dead person!
He was from Ilocas Norte, but I forgot all about him and was not able to tell his parents, due to lack of mind during the Jap occupation of the Philippines for three years.
After our liberation in 1946, when mail resumed, I had already forgotten his address and his name and his parents’ name. I tried to forget all things, if possible; otherwise I would go crazy!
Very often in my dreams I dream of running for cover as Jap planes fly overhead, and I find myself sweating and sometimes trembling upon suddenly waking up!
After several days and nights inside that dingy, foul-smelling vinegar warehouse, we were transported to Capas, Tarlac, Concentration Camp by cargo train like animals.
Along the way people threw pieces of sugar cane to us, which we welcomed very much for food and water.
Upon arrival in Capas Concentration Camp (CCC), we were thoroughly searched, but the knife I concealed was not seen; otherwise they could have used it to kill me.
I was able to keep my raincoat, gas mask bag with my extra clothing, and a piece of mosquito net that served me a good purpose to prevent mosquitoes or flies from attacking me.
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