It was getting dark and starting to rain when I left the town riding on the back of the carabao pulling the sled.
At last it became pitch-dark and only the lightning lit the trail on the rice paddies.
All of a sudden the carabao pitched forward and I was thrown over its head into a deep irrigation canal. When I got out, I tied the carabao to the sled and went on foot towards our hut.
I could see no trace of the trail leading to our new hut. Only occasional lightning streaks showed me the way. I had a raincoat but still got wet because of the heavy rain. Then I saw a light and I headed for it. I had to crawl through barbed wire fences toward the light. It took me a long time to reach it. Finally I was there. It was not our hut!
After hearing my story, the people there, who had butchered a cow, gave me some pieces of it and showed me my way back. I passed Barrio Apad and found our hut at dawnbreak. Praise the Lord! I was walking under the rain the whole night. Pat was very much worried!
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