Immediately Bayombong became a ghost town, with the Priest and the Governor leading the people across the creek west of the town into the rice fields of Barrio Apad where they evacuated.
The Bayabos family fled across the river to Barrio Paitan, with us following closely behind them loaded with our three small kids and a bundle of clothing.
We crossed the Magat River on foot over big river stones and wading through its shallowest part with me carrying Boy and Tony on my shoulders and Pat carrying Betty and our bundle of clothing on her head.
In Barrio Paitan we saw women busy pounding rice. One of them was heavy with a baby in her stomach and was telling us that she is due to deliver anytime.
That night this lady started crying with pain, and the neighborhood was in commotion. I heard somebody talking about giving her Coca-Cola and several other remedies, like a warm bottle, for there was no doctor around.
Being so tired walking across the river banks, Pat and I went to sleep. The following day we learned that the woman with the baby inside her womb died, unable to deliver the child.
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