Before I totally leave Bangued from the “Story of My Life”, I would like to share some personal experiences that I can’t forget. Pensionados One of them is my conversation with my brother, Elix, while walking to buy “lomo-lomo” in Pagpartian. I was about seven and he was about five years of age more or […]
Archives for 2011
History of My Life (1990) Part 6 – Detour to 1970 – Miss Red Feather
It was there in 1970 when my daughter, Jocelyn, was being honored for winning the beauty contest as Miss Red Feather Philippines as Abra’s representative that I got an accolade from a beautiful daughter of our late neighbor, Ex-Governor Bienvenido Valera, saying: “Magpintas laketdin ta anacyon, Momon Siniong!” It was the late Tata Benid, her […]
History of My Life (1990) Part 5 – Bangued, Part 2
The Provincial Governor, Don Virgilio Valera, always wore a white suit, white shoes and white PANAMA or straw hat from Panama. He also wore white hair as there was no dying of hair then. The same is also true with the Presidente (Mayor) Don Bienvenido Valera who was of Spanish ancestry, hence, had white skin […]
Trailer for “Jose B Sibayan: A Simple Man’s Truth”
My cousin Brandy Jones just put up a website for her movie and video production company: Nayabis Productions. Congratulations to her on getting the site up and for the direct-to-DVD movie that she just had released. Of particular interest to this website is the trailer to the documentary that she made on my grandfather’s life. […]
History of My Life (1990) Part 4 – Bangued
Biag – Social Life Social life revolved around religious activities such as baptisms, marriages, birthdays, deaths, fiestas and church going on Sundays and Holidays. The church was, therefore, the hub of social interactions. There friends, enemies, lovers and strangers met on Sundays and Holidays. No doubt the people were peaceful and practically knew one another. […]
History of My Life (1990) Part 3 – Sanitation
Health conditions during the early Twenties were very poor and unhealthy. Toilet was not a usual part of a house, much less bathrooms. A house was usually elevated several feet above the ground to accommodate the pigs, dogs and chickens to scratch and pick up the scrap food dropped down between the bamboo-slat floors. We […]