The first radio in Bangued was owned by the Philippine Constabulary, whose barracks were west of the town plaza.
At night time on weekends the radio was placed in front of the barracks, where people could go and hear the ILOCANO NIGHT program. Mg. Susing used to sing in this radio program.
Even with all the noise of static electricity distorting the sound, still we enjoyed hearing the radio.
The music-playing instrument we had before the radio was the PHONOGRAPH, run by spring wound by hand crank.
Before playing a record we hand-cranked the machine to keep it running.
When the needle became dull, we changed it to have the sound sharper.
Tata Anton had a phonograph in Taoag where I first saw and heard one, at age 5.
Our rich neighbors had phonographs that they played for everyone to hear, as loud as it could be played!
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